Thursday, August 7, 2014


It's already two and a half year ago since I started with PoleFitness. In my opinion it is a very good sport for your entire body. You need so many different and small muscles you usually never use.
I can really recommend this sport and you don't have to be slim or well trained, as everyone think.
You should really try it out! 

My sister, Marina, started with PoleFitness and brought me to this hobby. At this time, she already used to teach in a PoleFitness Studio. A few weeks ago she started with her own lessons. Now at the beginning she's teaching just two classes, a beginner level and a intermediate level. If the damand is rising, some more classes will follow.

At the Pole Studio I have been until a few month ago, we have been an amazing group of girls in different ages. Unfortunately our life situations have taken us in different directions. I really gonna miss you ladies, we always had so much fun togehter!!! :)

As my sister has here boyfriend down in Australia, I decided to educate myself to a poleinstructor, even if she gets a flu or anything that she can't teach a lesson, she needs someone to stand in for it.
In August I'm going to do the Basic course and in September the Advance.

Can't wait! :)

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